Thursday, May 30, 2024

June 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting - Please Come!

 Late Notice, we just found out! Strawberry Acres is on the agenda of the Board of Supervisors, this Monday, 6/3/2024 7pm.  It is unclear where on the agenda it falls.  The discussion will be centered around the last set of plans submitted, which had many issues.  

 Again, apologies for the very short notice but we just found out.  Please try to attend!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Update: March 2024 Board of Supervistors Meeting

We have confirmation from the Township office that Strawberry Acres in not on the agenda for the March 2024 BOS meeting.

Monday, February 19, 2024

March 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting

The Developer has missed the deadline to be on the agenda for the Planning Commission and therefore their March deadline. The Developer has informed the Township they are "requesting" another extension. There is a strong possibility they will be on the March 4th BOS meeting to discuss rejecting the plans.

If possible, keep this date open and plan on attending the meeting. We will keep you posted and let you know if they indeed make it to the agenda.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

December 2023 Board of Supervisor Meeting - Presentation Confirmed


We have been informed the Developer of Strawberry Acres will be on the agenda for the December 4, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting. The meeting will start at 7PM.  Please plan on attending.  We believe they will be working with the plans that Planning Commissioners would not approve. (Information accurate as of 11/12/2023.)

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

UPDATE!! Strawberry Acres update as of October 24, 2023

The Developer has withdrawn the plans from consideration by the Board of Supervisors at the meeting on November 6, 2023. 

They still have a few months where they can submit the plans for review without having to re-start the whole process. We do not know what the Developer's current plans are and will keep you informed once we have more information.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Strawberry Acres Update October 19, 2023

 The AARC plan went in front of the Planning Commission on Tuesday, September 26, 2023.

 There were some improvements on the plans but there were still numerous issues with them.  Landscaping had been provided, lighting, placement of underground propane tanks were added, to name a few.  However, there  were still numerous faults in the plans and problems.  Adjoining property owners were still incorrect, drainage pipes ended abruptly, and the seven detention ponds were still on the plans, with some still missing fencing and with the vertical walls that were rejected last time.  

Despite continually stating they will comply, they do not.  As such, the Planning Commission unanimously voted no.

As such, the developer will now go in front of the Board of Supervisors.  The meeting will be held November 6, 2023 at 7pm. There is the potential for BOS to reject the plan.   Please plan on attending and spread the word.  A strong show of support for a no vote may help.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Strawberry Acres update September 2023

The Developer has managed to get a new set of plans to the Township.  They are on the agenda for the Planning Commission meeting this month,  which is Sept. 26th at 7 pm.  Please attend.