Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Notice: Pre-Regisiter for Planning Commission Mtg on 8/25

 The Strawberry Acres AARC is on the agenda for the 8/25/2020 Planning Commission Meeting.  They are asking for a Lot Line Adjustment.

This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.  You MUST pre-register to receive the Zoom link.

To pre-register go to  the most recent set of Planning Commission Minutes here:  http://northwhitehall.org/planagenda.pdf to get a tiny url link to the meeting registration.

The Township is asking that you get your link early in order to ensure a smooth meeting experience.

The meeting will be 8/25/2020 at 7:30 PM.

Friends of Laurel Wood has reviewed the Lot Line Adjustment information and does have questions that they will be asking at the meeting.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

August 2020 update

Here's an update from Friends of Laurel Wood Association President Tom VanVreede, written after the Township meeting on 8/4/2020.

According to Chris at the Township, the Developer has asked to be removed from the last two Planning Commission meetings to continue to work on plans.   He expects that they will be back to the Planning board this month to restart the process.

The first expected step is the Developer will ask the Planning Commission board at the August 25th 7:30pm meeting to approve a Lot Line Adjustment.   This is needed to add land to the AARC necessary to meet the 25 acre minimum plus additional space for water runoff, recreation area, and other requirements that the contracted zoning expert brought up.  Currently the drawings for the Lot Line Adjustment that they initially submitted for review (then withdrew) at the June Planning meeting seem to be the basis of what they will bring back in August.  This contains a lot of land on the west side of Overlook Road from just north of the existing farm pond to the area that they previously had on the west side of the road including the area dedicated to the waste water treatment plant.  It is uncertain if that area on the west side of Overlook and north of Clearview remains as part of the proposed AARC or if it would be removed.   Review shows several questions/issues that can be raised with their drawings for the adjustment.    When the Planning board approves it, either at this meeting or a later meeting if there are things to be fixed, then it would be presented to the North Whitehall Township Commissioners for approval.  That could be taken up as early as the September meeting, but more likely it will be October at the earliest, even if it is forwarded to the Commissioners on the first reading.   If you want to you can check the agenda of the Planning Board on the Township Website (check repeatedly) before the meeting to review the agenda and submitted drawings as we get closer to the meeting.

The lot line adjustment will be approved at some point.   This is just a legal matter to break up the old farm into two parts that can be treated differently.   This is a common action that is approved all the time.  As long as they fulfill the requirements of various ordinances there is no legal reason for this not to be approved.

Once they have the land issue resolved, then the Developer will go back to the Planning Commission with the proposal to build an AARC.   This is the general issues of an AARC itself, and that they have satisfied the general requirements of the AARC ordinances (such as space, utilities, number of units and sewer) and have the right to build the facility.   Again, it is expected that it would take more then one presentation before the Planning board will forward it to the Township Commissioners for their action.  That could take several meetings before a resolution is reached.

Assuming that a AARC is eventually approved, then then process of planning review prior to the Commissioners review is repeated for the exact design details proposed by the developer.  The most optimistic time frame for the developer is to obtain full approval by the end of the year.   Most likely the process will extend further as it has in the past.  Remember we cannot prevent the Developer from developing the property in a legal fashion.  We can, however, make sure what is built is fully in line with land use and codes in order to protect our property values as much as possible.