Sunday, November 21, 2021

November 2021 Updates

 Originally, the Developer for the Strawberry Acres property was to be on the agenda for the 11/23/2021 Planning Commission Meeting.  However, the Developer as withdrawn this request and will therefore be on the agenda at a later date.  

We'll keep you updated as we learn more.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Few Notes

 Just two things to note:

1) At the supervisor's meeting on April 5th one of the items on the agenda was Ordinance 2021-1.  This is an ordinance to amend Ordinance 2006-2.  The new ordinance will eliminate AARC in any zone other than SR Districts.  It unfortunately comes too late for us as far as the current issue is concerned but it does eliminate the possibility of the current AARC being expanded.  It must be publicized and there will be a public hearing on it.  In a way it is a win for us.  Our voice did make a change. 

2) There's an election coming up for Township Supervisors!  Despite saying he is done, Mark Hills is running again.  Al Gepsots is  running against him, but hasn't put as many signs up.  Al was the zoning officer for North Whitehall several years ago and is a very qualified person.  If anyone would like it, I have his CV.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Continuation of the Conditional Use Hearing

On Thursday, 3/25/2021, the Township Supervisors will continue the Conditional Use Hearing for the Strawberry Acres AARC.  It was expected that the Commissioners will make their final decision at this meeting, however, as of 3/24/2021, there have been reports that the Developer has requested an additional continuance to sometime in June 2021 to allow them to make adjustments to meet some of the concerns as put forward by the local residents.

The meeting is still happening; it won't be open for public comment, but please register and attend the meeting to show your support and concern.  Further information can be found on North Whitehall Township's website:

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Meeting Postponed: New Date March 11th

The Special North Whitehall Township Supervisors meeting pertaining to the proposed AARC at the previous Strawberry Acres has been postponed.  It will now be on March 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM. 

We are asking everyone to attend.  The Supervisors needs to hear from every household that will be, or could be, potentially negatively impacted by this development.

Please Contact the Township to register to be an attendee.  You must register before the meeting and once registered you will receive the link for the meeting.  You can contact the Township here:

 Thank you!  

P.s. - there will still be a meeting on 2/18 but its only purpose will be to formally continue the meeting to 3/11.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Important Upcoming Meeting!

Plan to attend!

At 7:00 PM on February 18, 2021, there will be a special North Whitehall Township Supervisors meeting pertaining to the proposed AARC at the previous Strawberry Acres.  It will be a Zoom meeting, where only this topic is being discussed. 

We are asking everyone to attend.  The Supervisors needs to hear from every household that will be, or could be, potentially negatively impacted by this development.

Please Contact the Township to register to be an attendee.  You must register before the meeting and once registered you will receive the link for the meeting.  You can contact the Township here:

 Thank you! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Update on the Strawberry Acres AARC

We were pleasantly surprised when the Planning Commission, on 12/17/2020, voted 3-2 not to make any recommendation to the Board of Supervisors on the Strawberry Acres AARC proposal.   This does not stop the developer from presenting the proposal to the Board of Supervisors for a decision, but does signal the Supervisors that the Planning Commission has significant reservations as to the benefit of this development to the community.
Multiple members of the commission questioned the:

--General  concerns about to fit the special characteristics of an AARC community into the existing rural neighborhoods.
--How the special requirements of an AARC community specified in the ordinances (such as age restrictions) be applied to the initial residents, and how these will be preserved and maintained as the individual units are resold.
-How the Homeowners Association will work and provide for continued maintenance of the facility.
--What will be the Townships method of enforcing these special requirements if the Homeowners association fail to maintain the required actions.
--The lack of a traffic study at this point in the overall development process and how that creates uncertainty in the decision making process.   (A traffic study will be required later as part of the Land Development process.)
--Safety concerns with traffic flow especially with the corner of Overlook and Clearview, and with known safety issues along Clearview Road between Overlook and 145.
--Who will be responsible for road safety improvements.

Based on these concerns, and hopefully the comments presented by the concerned existing residents, the Planning Commissioners decided not to make a recommendation.   This is a middle of the road type of decision.   Their alternatives was to recommend approval of the proposal with or without specified provisions, not to make any recommendation, or to recommend a rejection to the Board of Supervisors.
What is next?   Most likely a presentation to the Board of Supervisors requesting them to approve.  The lawyer for the developer strongly indicated that they believe it is their right under law to build an AARC facility in this location.   As such they will be moving forward to obtain it's approval.  
The 2021 Board of Supervisors meeting schedule and agendas have not been posted at this time.   I have emailed a request to the Township asking them if the developed has asked to be placed on a meeting agenda and when.  I will keep in touch with the Township on this and let everyone know.