Thursday, October 20, 2016

Active Adult Residential Facility Zoning Ordinance - Proposed and Suggested changes

All information as of 10/18/2016

This is what Friends of Laurel Wood suggested as changes to the Active Adult Residential Facility Zoning Ordinance

Changes to Section (k)
The maximum density shall be three units per net acre.  Areas occupied by recreational uses, buildings, wooded areas, rights-of-way for future internal streets and sidewalks, buffer areas open space areas, and storm water retention/detention pond areas of the tract within the Zoning District (remove the word “not”) shall be deleted from the total lot area for the purpose of determining maximum density.  Existing right-of-way for existing public streets, futures street rights-of-way abutting existing streets that are required for dedication, areas within the 100 year flood plain per official FEMA/FIA maps, areas with a natural slope great than 15 percent coving a contiguous area of one acre or greater, and areas with overhead electric or other overhead utility rights-of-way or easements shall also be subtracted from the gross area considered for the maximum density calculation.  Slopes, measured covering a contiguous area of one acre or greater shall effect the maximum density as follows:
                Slopes 0% up to and including 15% = 3 units per acre
                Slopes over 15% up to and including 25% = 2 units
                Slopes over 25% up to and including 35% = 1 unit
                Slopes over 35% = 0 (zero) units

Changes/additions to Section (h)

Characteristics of Public Sewage Services

*No existing homes adjacent to the Active Adult Residential Facility shall be required to connect to the Public Sewer Services as long as the existing waste facility meets current requirements.
*The facility shall be constructed with a set back of a minimum of 200 feet from the lot line of the nearest property.
*The facility shall have landscaping that obstructs direct views of the facilities/equipment on all sides.
*Detailed physical sewage plans shall be submitted as part of the initial plans submitted to the Planning Commission.
*Discharge from the Sewage Treatment Facility to passive waterways may not be greater than 10% of the 3 year average minimum flow of that waterway prior to the construction of the facility.
*The odor resulting from any sewage treatment facility can not be deemed objectionable at any adjoining or nearby properties.
* As in keeping with the surrounding community, trash collection shall be on an individual unit basis.  No dumpsters shall be allowed.

Here is what North Whitehall Township is considering as changes
Ordinance 2006-2 proposed text amendments

1.        Storm Water retention/detention areas shall be subtracted from the gross site area considered for maximum density.
2.       Slopes from 15% to 25% = 2 units per acre slopes exceeding 25% = 0 units.
Section (n)
1.       The minimum separation distance between walls of buildings:  (1) 20 feet between sides of buildings.
Section (h)
Sewage service from any on-lot or off-site community system is prohibited.

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