Quick Facts:
83 Total Units.
35 single detached homes
24 Semi-detached homes
24 quad style homes
Each is 1300 sq ft, 2 story
Each has 2 car garage.
10,000 sq ft Community Center
Caretakers home
Drip irrigation style waste disposal system in the north east area just behind the houses on Donna Drive.
According to the plan, each dwelling will be 1300 square feet over two stories, and include a two car covered garage. The garage plus space in the driveway will allow each unit to have 4 off street parking spaces. There will be 35 single family detached, 24 single family semi-detached, and 24 quad units for a total of 83 units. In addition as required by code the development will include caretaker/manager residence and a large community center. The community will be served by an in ground drip sewer system similar to the one previously proposed. The plans are similar to the “by right” plan proposed in late 2013 with housing adjacent to 2 roads the area between the existing houses on Donna Drive and Overlook Road. The twist for this proposal is that the plans show a circular road on the three acre addition on the north west corner of Overlook and Clearview across from the main body of the development. A time table for review of the plan has not been set, but consideration may start at the February 25, 2014 Township Planning meeting at 7:30pm.