Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 2013 update

In December 2013, the North Whitehall Board of Supervisors officially turned down the first application for the development, but we are expecting the developer to resubmit plans based on the third layout they proposed called the “By Right” plan early in 2014. 

That plan called for 60 single family detached and semi-detached dwellings, and 24 quad dwellings.   Each unit proposed is two stories in height with a 1300 square foot footprint in addition to a community center and a caretaker/manager house.  The proposal includes public water from the existing Northampton Authority system, and in ground waste disposal system that is essentially an oversized backyard drip field connected to a processing system. 

The Supervisors stated at the December meeting that they took the action because of the confusion created by the multiple plans from the developer, and that the plans called for multiple variances and the lack of response by the developer as this progressed.  While our organization applauded this action, we are fully aware that the developer may, and will, resubmit the development for consideration.  He has simply too much money and time invested in the proposed development to stop.  The fact that they still pushed on the Lot Line Adjustment to increase the property size over 25 acres, and had two lawyers at the Supervisors meeting is a sign of their willingness to proceed. 

If we want our interests considered, we must proceed forward with our involvement.  To have an impact we need involvement from the neighborhood, and money to support our cause.  To date we only have 46 families join as members.  That is much too small of a group to have a lasting impact.  We need the families near the area to attend our meetings as well as those of the Township.  We ask each to donate funds to the extent that each family can afford, and volunteer time to the organization.  It is the right of the developer to build a community that meets the law, but it is also our quality of life and home investment at stake!

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