Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Friends of Laurel Wood Status Update

At the March 11 meeting, the assembled group decided as an organization to change to a reactive rather than proactive approach, and let the Township take the lead on requiring the developer to follow the ordinances.

One key consideration in the discussion was the state of the finances.  Even though there was overwhelming approval at the Friends of Laurel Wood organizational meeting to agressively move forward, only a limited number of families are attending the meetings, and the amount of funds contributed has been disappointing.  Only 58 families have contributed some amount of funds toward our effort.  We paid the engineer that we hired to study the slope issue, and have partially paid our attorney fees.  Although Tom has worked for a reduced pay scale we still owe him $1,790 and we only had $ 739 in our check book on March 11.  Clearly we can not move agressively forward without securing additional member support. 

A second consideration is that the Township is aware of the issues, and the Supervisors have been asking the same questions as we have.  They are also concerned about the sewage issue, rain run off, and the other variances that have been requested.  To date they have held fast that the developer must fulfill the requirements of the ordnance to  control development.  Since the Township continues to support the ordnance we must ask ourselves if our continued proactive legal and engineering approach is worthwhile. 

The consensus of the members present at the meeting after considering both of these issues is that we should move from a proactive approach to a more reactive one.  We will:
•    Stay organized and active,
•    Work with the neighborhood to raise funds to pay our current bills and prepare for future actions,
•    Attend Township meetings to show our continued interest, keep pressure on the Townhship, and to monitor for changes, and
•    Be prepared to act when the developer files an new plan and if the Township appears willing to give in on some of the variances.

We need each of you to assist in this.  Please attend the meetings that you can, but especially talk to your neighbors and strongly urge them to participate and donate funds.  We have asked $100 initially and $20 per month thereafter, but understand that everyone may not have that much available.  If you can contribute please contribute what you feel is right for you even though it may not reach that level.

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