Saturday, December 3, 2022

December 2, 2022 update - pre-BOS Mtg

The North Whitehall Board of Supervisors posted the meeting agenda for the December 5, 2022 meeting was published late. There are two items about Strawberry Acres. 

First, is the expected request for approval of an offered time extension - this is boiler plate, and although we will again mention the number of times this has been extended, it is fully expected that the Board will approve it as a matter of course.

The second is "Preliminary presentation of proposed building renovations". We can only speculate that this is for the existing farm house and related barns. As far as it is known, this was not presented at the Planning Commission meeting of November 22nd, nor are there any submitted plans for either the November Planning Commission or the December BOS meeting. Therefore, we plan to request that the BOS not take any action on this, or even consider it, without any plans being made available to the public for comment.

Also, we have multiple concerns about the soil samples that a team was seen collecting recently. Trust that these concerns will be shared at the meeting.

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