Sunday, December 7, 2014

December FoL Meeting!

The next meeting of the Friends of Laurel Wood organization is 

December 9, 2014 at 7 PM 

at the Laury's Station Fire Hall.

Friends of Laurel Wood Organization Update

There are several developments within the Friends of Laurel Wood organization that were noted at the last meeting:
•    All of our bills have been paid in full, including the lawyer.
•    Our bank balance as of the October meeting was $306.81.
•    The amount of mail that we received has reduced to the point that the post office box rental cost is not justified.  For that reason we are closing the box.  For the new contact address please email
•    We reviewed the proposed By-Laws at the meeting.  A revised draft will be presented at the December meeting for our consideration and approval.

Over 55 Community Update

The key message  is that the status of the Over 55 Community project remains unchanged.  The last proposal by the developer has been turned down by the Township Supervisors, and the developer has not submitted a new plan.  At this time, we have no indication if the developer will continue to pursue a senior community project or not. 

I questioned the supervisors at the Township Supervisors meeting on 12/1/2014  and they restated that the sewage issue is the most important thing for the developer to resolve.   The township has been clear that they will not accept the ground drip system the developer wishes to use and will only accept one that fully treats the sewage and has a steam type output, as desired by the Lehigh County Authority.  This is good news since these types of systems are expensive to build and operate.  As long as the developer believes that the system’s cost  prohibitive to their profits, then they will not bring a new plan to the township.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Don't Forget! Next Friends of Laurel Wood meeting

Don't Forget!  The next meeting of the Friends of Laurel Wood is October 14 at 7pm at Laury’s Station Fire Hall.

See you there!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Developer's plan submitted - and rejected

The developer has submitted a new plan with the Township.  The good news is that the Township rejected the submission based on a review by the Township staff.  I had a conversation with Jeff Bartlet and he says they rejected the proposal due to continuing issues with the sewage and other problems.  

The Lehigh County Authority has issued a “willingness to serve” letter to the developer that states that they will assume ownership of a legal sewage system and operate it for the development.  This is the basis that the developer used to submit the new plan.  However, in a conversation with a manager from LCA it was indicated that they do not recommend the type of system that the developer has proposed.  Instead of the “drip” style proposed, they are encouraging the developer to test the entire Strawberry Acres property and go to a more standard type of system.  It is my impression that the same factors was the driving force for the Township action.  

The key idea to understand at this point is there is no action before the Township either in the Planning Commission, Zoning board or before the Commissioners.  This will not last.  This developer has repeatably returned with new plans, and he will again.  Therefore we need to continue to be ready to understand new proposals, and voice our concerns with them.  In the near term, we should continue to go to Township meetings and watch the  Lehigh County Authority website:

Good News on the Financial Front

Good news!  The lawyer bill has been paid off.  That doesn't mean you can lessen your giving, though.  We need to stay prepared for any other legal action that might be needed in the future.

Please consider giving to Friends of Laurel Wood.  You can mail contribution checks to:
Friends of Laurel Wood
P.O. Box 7
Coplay, PA 18037

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

August meeting of Friends of Laurel Wood

The next Friends of Laurel Wood meeting is:

August 12, 2014

Laury's Station Fire Hall

7 PM

Monday, July 7, 2014

Friends of Laurel Wood June Update

I recently contacted both the North Whitehall Township office and (at a member’s suggestion) the Lehigh County Authority to discuss the Strawberry Acres Over 55 Retirement Village.

What's going on with the Township:
  • There are no official proposals before the Township at this time.  In fact, the developer will need to start over again and take any new proposal to the Planning Commission for action prior to talking to the Supervisors.  
  • Since the Supervisors have turned down developer's special request, the Planning and Zoning boards must first perform their duties and recommend an action to the Board of Supervisors before they will take up the question again.  
  • The Supervisors are standing behind their prior decision that only an established authority will be allowed to operate the sewer system.  That places key actions in the hands of the Lehigh County Authority as the legal authority in this area to operate a sewer system.
Discussion with the The Lehigh County Authority:
  • The developer has indeed been in touch with them, and working on “legal questions” at this time.  These discussions and any negotiations that they might have are not publicly released yet. 
  • The working body of the Authority must present a recommendation to their board before any decision can be taken.  The Board discussions are public, and an agenda is posted on the before each meeting.  The public is invited to attend the board meetings and make comments before the decisions are made.  
  • Visit to see the posted agendas and minutes.  On the right side of the header banner is the item “About LCA.”  Click on that to bring down a menu and select “Meeting and Minutes.”   If the text of is in blue you can click on it to read the full information.  
  • The gentleman I spoke to stated that he understood our concerns about the sewer system and if we could not stop its installation that we wanted the Authority to assist us in making sure that the system is designed, installed and operated to the highest of standards.   He stated that the Authority shares the goal of good design, installation and operation to avoid costly issues in the future.
Please join me in continuing to show our concern by attending both the Township Planning and Supervisors meetings, and the Lehigh County Authority to raise our concerns and request that they follow the ordances of the township, county, and state in considering these matters! 

Current information on the progress, meetings and needed actions will continue to be posted to this site.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Remember! Next Friends of Laurel Wood meeting

The next Friends of Laurel Wood meeting is:

June 10, 2014 at 7 PM
Laury’s Station Fire Hall

The current status of the Over-55 community will be discussed, as well as the possibility of a neighborhood picnic.

Join us!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

April Meetings

Monday April 7, 2014 - Township Board of Supervisors meeting at Township bldg. at 7:30pm
Tuesday April 8, 2014 - Friends of Laurel Wood meeting at Laury's Station Fire Hall at 7:00pm

Friends of Laurel Wood Status Update

At the March 11 meeting, the assembled group decided as an organization to change to a reactive rather than proactive approach, and let the Township take the lead on requiring the developer to follow the ordinances.

One key consideration in the discussion was the state of the finances.  Even though there was overwhelming approval at the Friends of Laurel Wood organizational meeting to agressively move forward, only a limited number of families are attending the meetings, and the amount of funds contributed has been disappointing.  Only 58 families have contributed some amount of funds toward our effort.  We paid the engineer that we hired to study the slope issue, and have partially paid our attorney fees.  Although Tom has worked for a reduced pay scale we still owe him $1,790 and we only had $ 739 in our check book on March 11.  Clearly we can not move agressively forward without securing additional member support. 

A second consideration is that the Township is aware of the issues, and the Supervisors have been asking the same questions as we have.  They are also concerned about the sewage issue, rain run off, and the other variances that have been requested.  To date they have held fast that the developer must fulfill the requirements of the ordnance to  control development.  Since the Township continues to support the ordnance we must ask ourselves if our continued proactive legal and engineering approach is worthwhile. 

The consensus of the members present at the meeting after considering both of these issues is that we should move from a proactive approach to a more reactive one.  We will:
•    Stay organized and active,
•    Work with the neighborhood to raise funds to pay our current bills and prepare for future actions,
•    Attend Township meetings to show our continued interest, keep pressure on the Townhship, and to monitor for changes, and
•    Be prepared to act when the developer files an new plan and if the Township appears willing to give in on some of the variances.

We need each of you to assist in this.  Please attend the meetings that you can, but especially talk to your neighbors and strongly urge them to participate and donate funds.  We have asked $100 initially and $20 per month thereafter, but understand that everyone may not have that much available.  If you can contribute please contribute what you feel is right for you even though it may not reach that level.

Proposed Plans Status Update

There is no change in the status of the planned Over-55 Retirement community because the Township did not accept the plans submitted by the developer in January.

The Township stated that the plans as submitted where incomplete in that it:
  • Did not comply with the ordnance requirement to have a municipal run sewer system.
  • That the rain runoff collection ponds were undersized.
  • Other non-disclosed issues.
The developer is working to resolve the problems and another plan should be submitted shortly.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Meetings

Monday, March 3, 2014 - Township Supervisors Meeting at the Township Hall at 7:30pm
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - Friends of Laural Wood meeting at Laurys Fire Hall at 7:00pm
March 25, 2014 - Planning Commission Meeting at Township Hall at 7:30pm

February Newsletter

As expected the developer of the Over 55 Retirement community submitted a new plan in January 2014. This plan was similar to the last one submitted in 2013 called the “by right” plan but contained some new twists. The most significant is the addition of 5 units in the land recently added to the property on the north-west side of the corner of Overlook and Clearview roads. Other minor changes were also added to maximize the number of units that could be constructed. The good news is that they are no longer proposing the multistory buildings they started out with. The bad news is that they continue to try to use variances to the Township Ordances to cut corners and get around the hard part of the rules. The fact that the Township rturned the application to them to correct some of the problems has given us time to consider what we want to do. Generally speaking the current residents have two choices on how to influence the new development. We could do nothing except attend Township meetings and state our intersts. To date the Township Supervisors have leaned our way and have required the developer to live up to the rules. To what extent this continues or if a deal is made to grant some of the requested variances is yet to be seen.
The second is for us to join in the discussion through lawers and expert testiomony and have a greater influence on the discussions. Results are not guaranteed, but by showing the effort and interest it is more likely that the Supervisors will stick to the ordnance as written.

In our organizational meeting the majority of residents spoke for legal intervention. Everyone was enthusistic that we should hire the lawyer and experts. However contray to that desire the funds required to pay for the lawyer and expers have not been forthcomming. We have struggled to collect enough money to pay our bills. It is not possible for us to move forward with the strategy of engaging legal help unless we collect funds to pay the bills. The Officers can not authorize additional legal work unless there is a reasonable expectation that we can pay for the work we request.
It is time to make decisions on where we are going. We can talk at length about impacts on property values, the possibility of the smell from the sewer system, additional traffic and ways to minimize the impacts. The talk is good, but without speaking with our wallets it is just talk. For those that have contributed to the organization thank you, and please consider a monthly amount. For those that have not contributed we need your financial support to make anything happen. It is you that will make or break this organization. Without sufficient support we are done. We suggest an initial contribution of $100, followed by smaller monthly amounts. If you can not afford that amount we understand but request you contribute what you can afford.
The Township has given us some time to organize. We either take advantage of the opportunity, properly fund the organization and move forward in the discussion. Or we keep together to pay our existing bills, and use the organization to communicate what happens. It is yours to decide and to show your decision by financial support.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Developer proposes new plan

As expected, the developer for the Over-55 community has filed a new plan with the Township!  This time they have proposed additional houses in the 3 acres that was added on the west side of Overlook. 

Quick Facts:
83 Total Units.
35 single detached homes
24 Semi-detached homes
24 quad style homes
Each is 1300 sq ft, 2 story
Each has 2 car garage.
10,000 sq ft Community Center
Caretakers home
Drip irrigation style waste disposal system in the north east area just behind the houses on Donna Drive.

According to the plan, each dwelling will be 1300 square feet over two stories, and include a two car covered garage.  The garage plus space in the driveway will allow each unit to have 4 off street parking spaces.  There will be 35 single family detached, 24 single family semi-detached, and 24 quad units for a total of 83 units.  In addition as required by code the development will include caretaker/manager residence and a large community center.  The community will be served by an in ground drip sewer system similar to the one previously proposed.  The plans are similar to the “by right” plan proposed in late 2013 with housing adjacent to 2 roads the area between the existing houses on Donna Drive and Overlook Road.  The twist for this proposal is that the plans show a circular road on the three acre addition on the north west corner of Overlook and Clearview across from the main body of the development.  A time table for review of the plan has not been set, but consideration may start at the February 25, 2014 Township Planning meeting at 7:30pm.    

January 2013 update

In December 2013, the North Whitehall Board of Supervisors officially turned down the first application for the development, but we are expecting the developer to resubmit plans based on the third layout they proposed called the “By Right” plan early in 2014. 

That plan called for 60 single family detached and semi-detached dwellings, and 24 quad dwellings.   Each unit proposed is two stories in height with a 1300 square foot footprint in addition to a community center and a caretaker/manager house.  The proposal includes public water from the existing Northampton Authority system, and in ground waste disposal system that is essentially an oversized backyard drip field connected to a processing system. 

The Supervisors stated at the December meeting that they took the action because of the confusion created by the multiple plans from the developer, and that the plans called for multiple variances and the lack of response by the developer as this progressed.  While our organization applauded this action, we are fully aware that the developer may, and will, resubmit the development for consideration.  He has simply too much money and time invested in the proposed development to stop.  The fact that they still pushed on the Lot Line Adjustment to increase the property size over 25 acres, and had two lawyers at the Supervisors meeting is a sign of their willingness to proceed. 

If we want our interests considered, we must proceed forward with our involvement.  To have an impact we need involvement from the neighborhood, and money to support our cause.  To date we only have 46 families join as members.  That is much too small of a group to have a lasting impact.  We need the families near the area to attend our meetings as well as those of the Township.  We ask each to donate funds to the extent that each family can afford, and volunteer time to the organization.  It is the right of the developer to build a community that meets the law, but it is also our quality of life and home investment at stake!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lot Line Change Approved

The North Whitehall Board of Supervisors approved the Developer’s request to expand the property for the proposed Over 55 Community on Overlook Road.  This action was taken at the January 6th Supervisor’s meeting.  This clears on hurdle for the developer so that the property is now greater than the 25 acres required by Township ordnance for this type of development. 

A parcel of land on the west side of Overlook Road at the corner of Overlook and Clearview was added to the property.